This is the time to start getting relaxed with the escort, time for a little small talk

This is the time to start getting relaxed with the escort, time for a little small talk

She may ask what you do; you might ask how long she’s been working in this field and what she likes. If you’re having personal problems, you might want to talk to her about them. I find it’s easier to talk to an escort than a psychologist and the advice is just as good. Escorts are an anonymous person, who is a woman, and you can ask her anything about women that you would be afraid to ask other women you know. Most escorts love to answer these questions and they are glad to fill you in on the secrets that hardly any guys know about what women really want. In fact, although most men think they know women, they really don’t. According to many escorts I’ve talked to, the average guy doesn’t have a clue about what women want. If you ask a few questions you might find that you can learn a lot of things you didn’t know.

Don’t Get Ripped Off

I have never been ripped off – but I have had people write me who have been scammed. As with anything – you need to be street smart. You want to be careful in selecting an escort that the person you are dealing with will act in a professional manner.

Generally you pay up front shortly after meeting – although there are escorts who ask for the money afterwards. But – she should not get the money and then need to leave the room to get something. One thing that can happen is that she gets paid – then says she forgot the condoms in her car – and then drives away. This can happen to you and there’s not a lot you can do about it – but you should ask her to leave the money if she needs to go out of the room.

Doing the Deed

At some point she will ask you if you want to “get comfortable.” This means “are you ready to have sex?” Your job now is to lead her to the bedroom and get naked. To protect herself legally, she will wait until the client is naked before she undresses. I suppose the legal idea here is that you’ve paid for a massage, but when she sees your irresistible naked body, she can no longer control herself and has to fuck you.

Relax and enjoy it. She a pro and you’re the client. This isn’t a woman you have to impress. She’s been with a lot of other men who are a lot better looking than you, and a lot worse looking than you. As far as comparing yourself to other clients, if you are clean, sober, and nice to her, and made her laugh, you’re already in the top 10% of all clients and you’re doing just fine.

If you’re nervous, you might start out with a back rub to get used to touching each other. Take your time. If this is your first time and you’re uncomfortable, you might want to agree up front that you may need extra time and work out an extra tip and agency fee so that you can take longer if necessary. That way you don’t have to rush things.

During foreplay, touch her softly like you would do with any other lover. Be romantic. Even though she is a pro, she is also a woman and her body responds like any woman’s. If you know what you’re doing, she is going to have a very good time too. Women enjoy sex and if the situations is right, they like to get their rocks off, just like you.

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